Search by tag: dr wilber sabiiti

World TB Day – 24 March 2021

Globally, Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death from a single infectious disease agent.  Our sustained research in St Andrews over the last 10 years (on the disease and the pathogen responsible) has developed…

SWAB Stakeholders meeting

The Scotland–West Africa Partnership to fight Antimicrobial resistance recently held their first stakeholders meeting in Ho, the capital city of Ghanaian Volta region.

MBLA Conference

the first ever Molecular bacterial load assay (MBLA) stakeholders conference was held at the University of St Andrews, 11th – 13th June 2018.

MBLA Conference

Experts from around the world are gathered in St Andrews to learn how to dramatically cut the time needed to diagnose tuberculosis to save hundreds of thousands of lives.