AMR Conference
Mike Kesby presents paper at conference. Mike and Katherine Keenan represented the HATUA consortium at the “Fresh Perspectives: Social Research on Anti-Microbial Resistance – A Work-In-Progress Symposium and Networking Event – 10th September 2018, British Academy, London UK.
Mike presented a paper entitled “Seeking UTI care ‘that works’: exploring new materialism as an ontological frame for interdisciplinary research on AMR in East Africa” that was based on pilot work conducted by the Ugandan chapter of HATUA which had helped secure the successful HATUA award. The paper was co-authored by Mike KESBY & Katherine KEENAN, from School of Geography & Sustainable Development, University of St Andrews Scotland, UK and Stella NEEMA & Benon ASIIMWE, Departments of Social Anthropology & Microbiology, Makerere University, Uganda
British Academy Conference
Mike kesby and Katherine Keenan at the British Academy conference 10th September 2018 inspecting the poster presentations.
Working Lunch
Colleagues from the HATUA team at a working lunch in Nairobi March 2018: From left to right John Kiiru (Centre for Microbiology Research, Kenya Medical Research Institute, Nairobi, Kenya), Mike Kesby (School of Geography and Sustainable Development, St Andrews, UK), Benon Asiimwe & Stella Neema (Departments of Microbiology & Social Anthropology – respectively – Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda), Wilber Sabiiti (School of Medicine, St Andrews, UK)
Quantitative Social Science Data Collection Training
Katy Keenan introduces a session on quantitative social science data collection during the HATUA Social Sciences Training event – 3rd-7th December 2018 in Mwanza, Tanzania.
A rigorous programme that both introduced the HATUA project, its data collection tools and protocols, and provided refresher training in quantitative and qualitative data collection was co-developed and co-delivered by Katy Keenan and Mike Kesby (School of Geography and Sustainable Development, St Andrews, UK), Stella Neema (Department of Social Anthropology, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda), Joseph Mwanga (School of Public Health, Catholic University of Health and Allied Sciences, Mwanza, Tanzania) and (the late) Audia Atogo (National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya). Over five intensive days of lectures, seminars, seminar-based exercises and field-based piloting the social science research team got to know each other, and the program for data collection, and grappled with the research design and deployment challenges of working in an international, inter-disciplinary project.
Field Work Research Training
HATUA Social Sciences Training Event
Stella Neema Introducing Focus group tools and methods at the HATUA Social Sciences Training event, 3rd-7th December 2018 in Mwanza, Tanzania.
HATUA Social Sciences Training Event
Joseph Mwanga Introducing Interview tools and methods at the HATUA Social Sciences Training event, 3rd-7th December 2018 in Mwanza, Tanzania.
Social Science Team in Mwanza
The social science team in Mwanza at the HATUA Social Sciences Training event, 3rd-7th December 2018 in Mwanza, Tanzania. Senior colleagues from East Africa and the UK developed a great professional relationship with the talented and enthusiastic researchers who would undertake the bulk of the data collection in the HATUA project.
Group Photo
Left (the late) Audia Atogo (National Museums of Kenya, Nairobi, Kenya), third from left Katherine Keenan (School of Geography and Sustainable Development, St Andrews, UK)
Mystery Client Survey
Mike Kesby visiting a township in the Bukwaya district of Tanzania during the HATUA Social Sciences Training event, 3rd-7th December 2018 in Mwanza.
This market was one in which the East African field researchers tested the Mystery Client survey tool that assessed whether, and under what conditions Pharmacists and small drug sellers would dispense antibiotics to a client who did not have a prescription.
Mystery Client Tool
Researchers Seek out drug shops to pilot the Mystery Client tool in a township in the Bukwaya district of Tanzania during a day of field testing during the HATUA Social Sciences Training event, 3rd-7th December 2018 in Mwanza.
Field Testing
The HATUA project quipped field researchers with easily portable tablets so that that data collection was efficient and could be uploaded easily to the cloud-based epicollect software used by the project. Here researchers practice with the tablet and software after undertaking a Mystery Client interaction with a local drug seller in a township in the Bukwaya district of Tanzania during a day of field testing during the HATUA Social Sciences Training event 3rd-7th December 2018 in Mwanza.
Social Science Research Team
The social science research team on the last day of the Mwanza training event in December 2018 – with host and Tanzania HATUA Country lead Stephen Mshana (Standing fifth from the left) (Weill Bugando School of Medicine Department of medical microbiology Catholic University of health and applied Sciences Mwanza).
Participatory Action Research in St Andrews
Participants in action during the Grass root HATUA training on Participatory Action Research (PAR) at St Andrews.
Grass root HATUA PI’s Dr Mike Kesby and Dr Katy Keenan with East African colleagues during PAR training.
KCRI Qualitative Analysis Training
StAAHR partners from Tanzania attending a two day training workshop at Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI). The training equipped participants with the basics of qualitative research methods and analysis. Topics covered included data collection methods (key informant interviews, focus groups, field notes/observation), data analysis (manual/software analysis) and report writing among others.