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Innovation for African Universities (IAU) Ghana Showcase and Dissemination Event
Showcase of the outcomes of the Innovation for African Universities (IAU) programme in Ghana and celebrate the Ghanaian network partnerships. Friday 24 and Saturday 25 February 2023.
CARE Mystery Client Study
Dr Emmanuel Olamijuwon of the CARE Consortium presented preliminary findings from the CARE Mystery Client Study to the COVID Circle Researcher Community on 25 November 2021. The session was titled: Unblocking barriers to pandemic research: expectations for global partnerships and collaborations. Funders from the Wellcome Trust, Department of Health and Social Care, UK Research & Innovation (UKRI), UKRI Medical Research Council (MRC) and Elrha were in attendance.
8th East African Health and Scientific Conference
The HATUA Consortium was awarded a dedicated scientific session to share findings at the 8th East African Health and Scientific Conference held on 18th November 2021. Nine members of the consortium presented research and together provided a very positive overview of the holistic approach taken by HATUA. The talks were followed by a lively panel session with a large and engaged audience of over 60 attendees.
Infection and Immunity research in Uganda
The HATUA consortium, in partnership with Makerere University/UVRI Centre of Excellence in Infection and Immunity Research and Training (MUII-Plus) in Uganda, organised a one-day symposium on Friday 22nd October 2021 to showcase success stories and highlights of Infection and Immunity research in Uganda. The symposium was organised by Prof Alison Elliott, one of the HATUA Co-Is, based at UVRI and LSHTM. HATUA partners from St Andrews, Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya attended and presented findings from HATUA.
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) Conference
Two outputs from HATUA were accepted for presentation at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) Conference in November 2021. Dr Dominique Green gave a talk on The role of multidimensional poverty in antibiotic misuse in East Africa: A mixed-methods study. Mary Abed Al Ahad presented on Treatment seeking behaviours for symptoms of UTI in East Africa and irrational use of antibiotics: A mixed methods study.
Health & Sustainable Livelihoods
Dr Wilber Sabitti | Dr Martha Mushi presented as part of the St Andrews Global Challenges Forum.
KCRI Qualitative Analysis Training
StAAHR partners from Tanzania attending a two day training workshop at Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute (KCRI). The training equipped participants with the basics of qualitative research methods and analysis. Topics covered included data collection methods (key informant interviews, focus groups, field notes/observation), data analysis (manual/software analysis) and report writing among others.