Stellah George Mpagama

Dr.  Stellah George Mpagama is a physician scientist at the Kibong’oto Infectious Diseases Hospital. Her main research interest is in development of solution to clinical challenges for Infectious Diseases. She has also engaged in looking for solution on health systems challenges that hinder delivery of health services in individuals with infectious diseases and associated comorbidities.  Currently, she is building a clinical trial unit and developing a group of research scientists that will not only address tuberculosis but also other infectious diseases threats in Tanzania. Her professional goal is to build research capacity through carefully designed clinical and programmatic/health system/implementation studies and to provide mentoring to Tanzanians in infectious diseases research eventually translates research in best practice.

In the StAAHR, consortium,  Dr Mpagama  will build TB-MBLA capacity at their site & participate in the TB- & non-TB microbiology knowledge exchange