Genome Analysis Workshop, April 2021

Hands-on training in examining whole genomes of UTI-causing bacteria collected from HATUA sites using Galaxy Europe interface and relevant platforms used in bioinformatics.


Learning Outcomes

By the end of the training, you should be able to:

  1. Examine high-throughput molecular data using tools installed in Galaxy Europe and other relevant platforms.
  2. Predict AMR content, transmission and evolution within bacterial genomes and apply the principles in HATUA sample collections.
  3. Reconstruct evolutionary relationships between HATUA genomes of the same species using phylogenetic trees and link these to clinical and other HATUA data types.
Week Dates Covered Concepts Hands-on
1 April 26-30 Introduction to Genome sequencing, Genomics,HATUA.  Bacterial genomics: AMR Evolution in bacteria. Introduction to Galaxy and R/RStudio (swirl); Tools on Galaxy.  Galaxy: Read library QC.
2 May 03-07 Genome assembly and annotation; AMR Databases. Read mapping; Assembling a genome from sequence data; Galaxy and Bandage: Annotating genomes with AMR genes and curating a HATUA AMR database; R/RStudio data management.
3 TBC Sequence alignment and SNP calling, Phylogenetics and Phylogenomics. Galaxy and R/RStudio: How to discover and qualify single-nucleotide, copy number and chromosomal mutations; Tools for Comparative genomics and phylogenetics/genomics (Microreact).
4 TBC Applications of Genomics to public health research and epidemiology; Linking genomic data to other types of HATUA data. Data linkage in HATUA; Bonus: Tableau and iTol

Week 1

  • Session 1: Introduction to Genomics and its application to HATUA study
  • Session 2: Quick Guide on using Galaxy; Tools on Galaxy
  • Session 3: Talk on the Pilot genome data analysis
  • Session 4: Read library QC on Galaxy; Launching RStudio (swirl tutorial) on your Desktop and Galaxy
  • Session 5: Worksheet instructions

Week 2

  • Session 1: Clinical data management in R/RStudio (Guest: Ahmed Raza)
  • Session 2: Genome assembly and annotation: Piecing the puzzle together and AMR gene hunting
  • Session 3: Assessing Genome Quality using Quast; Viewing genomes on Bandage
  • Session 4: Creating and executing workflows on Galaxy
  • Session 5: Worksheet instructions

Week 3

  • Session 1: Sequence alignment, SNP calling, Phylogenetics/genomics and Pangenomics
  • Session 2: Phylogenetic reconstruction and visualisation on Galaxy and Figtree
  • Session 3: Epidemiological studies using Microreact
  • Session 4: Resolving pandemics using genomics (Guest: Prof. Matt Holden)
  • Session 5: Worksheet instructions

Week 4

  • Session 1: From the terminal to the clinic (Guest: Martin McHugh)
  • Session 2: Holistic data linkage in HATUA (Guest: Dominique Green)
  • Session 3: Bonus tools — iTol and Tableau
  • Session 4: Poster presentations


  1. HATUA Pilot genomes
  2. Newly-released HATUA genome samples from MicrobesNG
  3. Published WGS datasets


  1. Completed worksheets
  2. Written summary report
  3. One-page digital poster


AMR: Antimicrobial resistance
UTI: Urinary tract infection/s
QC: Quality control
SNP: Single nucleotide polymorphism