The Poems for Doctors video kiosk (pictured above at the Byre Theatre during Stanza 2018) is going to be on the road again later this month.
On June 28th the Scottish Medical Humanities Group is hosting an evening event called “Differing ways of seeing: what medical humanities can offer” at St Cecilia’s Hall in Edinburgh. The event is a celebration of humanities in healthcare education, and the PfD kiosk will be on show during the event.
I asked the Dr Eleri Williams, who is coordinating the event, to check out possible spaces where we might put the kiosk, and send me some photographs. I was more than a little impressed with what came back – this is the Laigh Hall …
… which I think is rather a splendid location! The kiosk will be in a quiet wee corner in this grand space, with a handy seat in case anyone would like to take a moment or two to listen and reflect on some of our readers’ videos.
Further details of the event “Differing ways of seeing: what medical humanities can offer”