This poem is part of the Poems for doctors project. You can find out more about the project here.

Season 1 : poem 6

Love is in the air – Lecturer in Infectious Disease, Dr Winnie Dhaliwal reads Poem for a Hospital Wall by Diana Hendry

Poem for a Hospital Wall

Diana Hendry

Love has been loitering
down this corridor
has been seen
chatting up out-patients
spinning the wheels of wheelchairs
fluttering the pulse of the night nurse
appearing, disguised, as a bunch of grapes and a smile
hiding in dreams
handing out wings in orthopedics
adding a wee drappie
to every prescription.
No heart is ever by-passed by Love.

Love has been loitering down this corridor
is highly infectious
mind how you go. If you smile
you might catch it.

Rights: from Borderers (Peterloo Poets, 2001) Reproduced by permission of the author.

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