Technician visits

Henry Rae has organised a series of Technician Visits in the University of St Andrews.

International Respiratory Meeting

Dr Devesh Dhasmana, NRS Career Researcher and Respiratory Consultant, NHS Fife, was fortunate to be able to present interim work on studies in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) at the recent International Respiratory…

Boost for bladder cancer detection

A pioneering new method for the accurate diagnosis of bladder cancer is one step closer thanks to a £½ million funding boost.

Acid-Fast Club presentation

Vincent Baron a PhD student in the Gillespie group recently presented his exciting research project at the Acid-Fast Club hosted by Public Health England in Porton Down

VR-CoDES Research Seminar

Professor Gerry Humphris and Dr Yuefang Zhou participated in a two-day research seminar at the University of Verona. This seminar involved discussions about a conceptual framework for an important behavioural coding…

Visit of the Vice Chancellor of the University of Malawi

The Vice Chancellor of the University of Malawi, Prof John Saka and the Principal of the Polytechnic, University of Malawi Prof Grant Kululanga visited the School of Medicine as part of a tour of Scottish universities.

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