Visiting scholar wins poster prize at Caparica Christmas Conference

Monday 11 December 2023
Ketolly (far left) and other prizewinners after the conference.

Visiting Scholar Ketolly Natanne da Silva Leal won a prize for her shotgun poster talk at this week’s 6th Annual Caparica Christmas Conference on Sample Treatment, held in Costa da Caprica, Portugal. This event aims to unite researchers engaged in sample treatment for inorganic/elemental analysis and the analysis of organic molecules, employing various analytical techniques and applications.

Ketolly’s poster outlined her work on developing a new method to quantify zinc and iron in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry operated in single-cell mode (scICP-MS). Her doctoral project is being conducted under the supervision of reader Dr Alan Stewart and Professor Dr. Marco Aurélio Zezzi Arruda (Institute of Chemistry – University of Campinas (IQ-UNICAMP)

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