Specific Learning Difficulties

Learning difficulties including dyslexia (reading and spelling), dyscalculia (maths) and dysgraphia (writing) occur in up to 10% of school-age children. These conditions vary in degree of severity and often occur together. Genes and environment can increase risk of developing these conditions and while we are making progress in research, we are far from understanding causes and developing effective intervention strategies.

We are starting a new multidisciplinary network based in Scotland to bring together researchers with different expertise. The aim is to better coordinate the research agenda for specific learning difficulties. Our first meeting was held in November 2022 in Edinburgh.

Key goals are to increase awareness around specific learning difficulties and to make research useful to the direct beneficiaries. The first SLDN public event was held on 16th June at the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a video of the key contributions is available via the thumbnails on the right: choose the full-length or summary version.

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