Direct Ophthalmoscopy

Home 5 Teaching Materials 5 Clinical Teaching 5 Direct Ophthalmoscopy
The Arclight has been shown to be as effective as traditional more expensive direct ophthalmoscopes. Combined with a good examination technique the diagnostic potential of the device can be maximised. This can allow a user who has been well taught and practised regularly to be able to diagnose cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration and retinal detachment. When attached to a mobile phone camera video of clinical findings can be acquired, stored and transferred for second opinions where there is uncertainty.

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Narrator: Ahmed Al-Mansour Ali (NHS Fife, Scotland)


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Narrator: Dongmei Wu (University of St Andrews, Scotland)

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Narrator: Fiston Kitema (University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda)


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Narrator: Martin Anderson (University of St Andrews, Scotland)


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Narrator: Sahib Tuteja (St Andrews University)


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Narrator: Fiston Kitema (University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda)


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Narrator: Catarina Dores Fernandes Ferreira (NHS Lothian, Scotland)


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Narrator: Juan Lopez Ulloa (Instituto de Oftalmología Conde de Valenciana IAP, Mexico City, Mexico)



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Narrator: Fiston Kitema (University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda)



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