Medical Education Research

Student and Generalist Eye Care Education

- The Arclight vs. traditional ophthalmoscope: a cross-over trial. Hytiris, M.L., Fioratou, E. & Gillan, S.N.
- Does access to a portable ophthalmoscope improve skill acquisition in direct ophthalmoscopy? A method comparison study in undergraduate medical education.
Gilmour-White, J.A., Picton, A., Blaikie, A. et al. - Teaching Ophthalmoscopy with Direct Versus Arclight Ophthalmoscope in Non-Ophthalmology Residents. Irfan, Abdullah & Moin, Muhammad & Chaudhry, Adeel & Amjad, Arooj & Pak, Asif & Siddiq, Lubna.
Interprofessional Education

- Evaluation of a pilot interprofessional Arclight™ workshop for healthcare students in Rwanda: promoting collaborative practice in eye health. Veronica O’Carroll, Jean Baptiste Sagahutu, Denys Ndayambaje, Dieudonné Kayiranga, Gatera Fiston Kitema, Nadine Rujeni & Andrew Blaikie.
- Interprofessional Arclight eye health workshop: impact on students’ clinical identification and ophthalmic skills.
- The status and outcomes of interprofessional health education in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review.