The Wilson is a ‘clinical’ illuminated magnifier for ‘front of the eye’ examination of the cornea, lids & lashes, conjunctiva and pupils as well as the ear canal. Solar and USB powered for out-reach programs and on-the-spot decisions. This very low cost device could make a real difference worldwide.
Split X2.5 and X5 lenses and high blue content white LEDs give good NaFl excitation. The hole can be ‘blacked in’ to give a basic reflex viewer, and a speculum brings ear canal inspection.
Health workers with little equipment or training face tropical diseases – trachoma, onchocerciasis, xerophthalmia, as well as cataract and countless corneal problems. Over 200 million people live in areas where trachoma is endemic; with millions having an advanced stage in which the eyelashes turn inward and scrape painfully.
Geared towards mass use by governments or NGOs. It has a clean modern look which field workers will want to own themselves, for initial checking and ongoing monitoring.
Available in bags of 25 devices in 3 colours with: cloth bags, lanyards, and optional thumbnail stickers and crib cards.