On Hearing for the First Time

On Hearing for the First Time

This poem is part of the Poems for doctors project. You can find out more about the project here. We’re very pleased to start our second season of medics reading poems from Scottish Poetry Library’s anthology ‘Tools of the Trade: Poems for New...
Poems for doctors at STANZA 2018

Poems for doctors at STANZA 2018

We are excited to confirm that Poems for doctors will have a presence at the STANZA international poetry festival in St Andrews this week. The festival runs from March 7-11th.  Our projection kiosk will be playing a loop of all of our first season of poetry readings...
Second Opinion

Second Opinion

This poem is part of the Poems for doctors project. You can find out more about the project here. This is the last poem of our first season of readings. A second series of doctors and medical students reading Poems for doctors is currently in preparation. Series 2...
Poems for Doctors in Wall Street Journal

Poems for Doctors in Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal published an excellent piece about the Poems for Doctors book and project by Edinburgh based writer Simon Constable this week. David Crossman, dean of the Medical School at the University of St. Andrews in Fife, Scotland, and chief scientist for...

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