Winning poem included in NHS anthology

Winning poem included in NHS anthology

Delighted to hear that the winning poem from the Poems for Doctors 2019 online slam, Flexor Digitorum by Rumaisa Zubairi has been accepted for publication in the new NHS anthology These Are the Hands. You can listen to Rumaisa reading the poem on Soundcloud.

The title of the anthology is from Michael Rosen’s poem written in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the NHS in 2008. There are a few video readings online, including one in our own collection at Poems for Doctors, and of course Michael Rosen performing the poem himself.

The aim of the new anthology is to give a voice to, and reflect the experiences of NHS staff. It celebrates their creativity and talent, while at the same time raising money to support the NHS.  You can read more about it at the Bigger Picture, a project conceived by a Royal College of GPs working group looking at ways to address the crisis in doctors’ wellbeing. Quote:

“It felt important … to look beyond the constraints of our medical training and work, at ways in which we can reflect on our own and our patients’ experiences, start to care more for ourselves and each other and also reconnect with our creativity and compassion. Key to this project is collaboration with other organisations and a wider perspective including the arts and humanities.” The Bigger Picture

Congratulations to Rumaisa on being included in the new NHS anthology! – We’re looking forward to ordering copies.

Video jukebox

Line testing my new ‘Poems for Doctors’ fully interactive touchscreen video juke-box in the office today. It works!

Coming soon with 28 current video readings at SPL in Edinburgh, St Andrews, and possibly elsewhere. I put speakers on for this test, usually the kiosk will be fitted with headphones for private listening.


The Unprofessionals

The Unprofessionals

This poem is part of the Poems for doctors project. You can find out more about the project here.

Season 4: poem 7

GP and Honorary Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine at the University of Dundee, Dr Jennifer Kennedy reads The Unprofessionals by U. A. Fanthorpe.

The Unprofessionals

U. A. Fanthorpe

Rights: rights to reproduce this poem in print here are pending.

A moderated Facebook group hosts discussion for medics and others who would like to follow up on ideas arising from ‘Poems for Doctors’.

To ask to join, or add to the discussion if you are already a member, please visit

From Cumha Chaluim Iain MhicGill-Eain

From Cumha Chaluim Iain MhicGill-Eain

This poem is part of the Poems for doctors project. You can find out more about the project here.

Season 4 : poem 6

Retired GP and Honorary Professor of General Practice at the University of Edinburgh Prof John Gillies reads From Cumha Chaluim Iain MhicGil-Eain  by Somhairle MacGill-Eain (Sorley MacLean) in Gaelic and English. (Titles are available in both languages on the CC button).

John is also one of the founding editors of the ‘Tools of the Trade: Poems for New Doctors” anthology.

Rights: permission to reproduce the text of this poem here is pending.

A moderated Facebook group hosts discussion for medics and others who would like to follow up on ideas arising from ‘Poems for Doctors’.

To ask to join, or add to the discussion if you are already a member, please visit


Season 4

Season 3

Season 1