School hosts Tenovus Scotland symposium

Monday 18 November 2024
Tenovus-funded St Andrews PhD student Xueyu Guo discusses her poster with a symposium attendee.

On 13 November, the School of Medicine hosted the Tenovus Tayside and Northeast Fife Symposium. The event was organised by Reader and Cellular Medicine Division Head Dr Samantha Pitt, who is also a Tenovus Scotland local scientific advisory committee member.

The symposium showcased the impressive range of research from the Universities of Dundee and St Andrews made possible by Tenovus through oral and poster presentations by PhD students and early career researchers. From cardiovascular science to cancer, each project approached an issue of great clinical relevance from a new perspective.

Dr Ify Mordi, Clinical Senior Lecturer and British Heart Foundation Intermediate Clinical Research Fellow at the University of Dundee, delivered a keynote talk entitled, ‘The importance of what we can’t see – Small vessels in cardiovascular disease.’ During his presentation, he outlined the role Tenovus  has played in his career. “I joined the team in Dundee as a clinical academic trainee, and the initial funding I received from Tenovus Scotland was critical to my career progression, and indeed underpins my current line of research,” he explained. “I was able to publish several research papers related to this initial project, and these papers were crucial to my successful BHF Fellowship award this year that will support my research for the next five years.”

Alongside the formal presentations, the symposium offered a valuable opportunity for PhD, early-career, and established researchers to connect at the closing reception. This provided an ideal environment for attendees to discuss collaboration opportunities, share new findings, and seek guidance from those at a later career stage.

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