Design St Andrews
On the 13th of March, the first University-wide event of Design St Andrews took place in St Mary’s College. Over thirty people attended and participated in the event. Design St Andrews is an initiative of Dr Mara van Beusekom, Dr Alina Loth, Dr Uta Hinrichs and Dr Sharon Carstairs.
One of the four pitches on ideas for future events.
The focus of the gathering was for the community of design-minded people in St Andrews get to know each other and to explore what potential there is to continue to connect, exchange practises and inspire new ideas together.
Ten participants gave a short presentation to showcase how they use design in their work. In a truly multidisciplinary spirit, speakers included staff from the School of Physics and Astronomy, School of Medicine, the Library, Public Engagement, School of Geography and Sustainable Development, and School of Computer Science.
Mr Rodney Mountain, head and neck surgeon and educator at Ninewells Hospital, opened the session with an inspiring talk on how he has adopted Design Thinking in his work and how others can do the same. The event also included a networking exercise and brainstorm session to generate ideas for future events.
Are you interested to become a part of Design St Andrews? Send a message to [email protected] to be added to the mailing list. The next event is planned for the 15th of May, 13:30-15:30 at the Byre Theatre – invitations will be circulated soon.
This first edition of Design St Andrews was hosted by the Population and Behavioural Sciences Division, School of Medicine.
Over thirty people attended the Design St Andrews event on the 13th of March.