A busy season of public engagement
Anatomy Technician Ann-Kristin Lillegraven talks osteology with an aspiring scientist.
The School of Medicine has had a busy spring of public engagement activities! Staff and students have participated in several events throughout March aimed at increased community interest in Medicine.
On 1 and 25 March, Senior Medical Teaching Technician Henry Rae and Anatomy Technician Ann-Kristin Lillegraven delivered two sets of interactive sessions on osteology and Special Senses to First Chances Fife students from across Scotland. Altogether, 100 students took part in the two events. One attendee attributed his decision to study medicine to his positive experience at a 2016 University ‘Space School’ event. These events aim to bring science and technology to life for young children, inspiring them to STEM subjects in future.
On 14 March, Mr. Rae delivered an online presentation osteology for Glasgow Science Centre. Attended by almost 1,000 people, the talk covered the content, structure, and function of bones what can be done when joints fail.
Finally, on 25 March, staff and students from the School participated in the University’s annual Science Discovery Day, attended by 804 members of the public. Staff contributors were Mr. Rae, Ms. Lillegraven, Clinical Teacher Dr Devesh Dhasmana, and Widening Participation Officer Joe Curran. Gillian Duncan of East Neuk First Responders also participated. The medical students involved were Maggie Livingstone, Ridhima Ranade, Kelly Syrastatidi, Aseem Gupta, Nimue Romeikat, Julia Avancena, Fergus Jagdelski, Jenni Vos, and Peter Boardman. The group delivered medical-themed interactive sessions to attendees. Stall themes included ‘Basic Life Support and Defibrillation,’ ‘Reaction Times,’ ‘Lung Function, ‘Prosthetic Joints and Osteology,’ and ‘Vestibulo-ocular Reflexes.’ The event was well-received by attendees and a delightful experience for the St Andrews participants.