Clinical tutors
University of St Andrews School of Medicine
Clinical teaching
Clinical teaching
Clinical teaching

Welcome to the website for staff involved in supporting learning within the School of Medicine at the University of St Andrews. Here you will find information about becoming involved in clinical teaching, different roles within the medical school and the community and life as a clinical tutor. For current staff, please follow the relevant links for up-to-date information, news and resources.
PBSGL resources
Problem Based Small Group learning (PBSGL) - you may be new to the concept or already member of a local group. In...
RCPE Evening Medical Update
This month's Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh medical update will be on 'Medicolegal Challenges'. Prior to the...
ASME Bitesize podcasts
The Association for the Study of Medical Education (ASME) has launched a new ASME Bitesize podcast series. The first...
Poems for Carers
The Scottish Poetry Library launched this initiative in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic to demonstrate appreciation...
Interested in examining?
We are currently seeking to recruit new examiners