ELeCtra stands for Enabling Learning NHS Care Systems utilizing Electronic Medical Records (ELeCtra) in Fife
The Electra II project has been terminated whilst awaiting implementation of National Services Scotland’s (NSS) ‘Once for Scotland’ initiative: Primary Care Digital & Intelligence Platform.
After being awarded funding from Fife Health Charity, the ELeCtra project began in 2018 with the aim of developing a Learning Health System for NHS Fife. The complexities surrounding data governance, IT infrastructure and sustainability planning were priority areas of work during the first phase of this project, which came to a close in 2020. Figure 1. shows the ELeCtra data infrastructure that was developed.
Figure 1. ELeCtra data infrastructure
Additional funding from Fife Health Charity enabled the second phase of the project, ELeCtra II, to commence in November 2021. The objective of ELeCtra II is to build on the existing ELeCtra data infrastructure, developed during the ELeCtra I project, to provide data driven interventions to NHS Fife practitioners for health care improvement activities and improved outcomes for patients with and without multimorbidity (MM) and complex multimorbidity (cMM).
ELeCtra II aims to
- Deliver practice level reports using data from across Primary and Secondary Care to help support specific medication review and effective complex case management.
- Support the NHS Pharmacy team to undertake an innovative approach on targeted medication reviews and case management.
- Deliver a framework which allows evaluation of longer-term impact of the reviews on medication use;
- To support a health and wellbeing agenda and reduce inequalities.