University of St Andrews

Population and Behavioural Science Research Division

PBS News

Population and Behavioural Science Research Division latest news.


Welcome to the Population and Behavioural Science Division at the University of St Andrews.

We undertake research in the School of Medicine, transforming health promotion, prevention, early detection, management of illness and communication locally, nationally and globally. We are a multidisciplinary team of researchers with expertise in health data science, epidemiology, trials and the design, delivery, and evaluation of theory-based psychological interventions.

We work in the primary care and community health domains, with specific interests in addiction medicine, child and adolescent health, long-term conditions and health behaviours. We are committed to public and patient involvement throughout our research and host the Fife Community Advisory Council who help guide our research. We employ patient co-design to improve both the delivery and understanding of our research. We also work closely with the Sir James Mackenzie Institute for Early Diagnosis.

A woman in glasses sitting at a desk next to a man.

Leadership team

Alun Hughes

Prof Colin McCowan

Head of Division

Alun Hughes

Roberta Munro

Research Administrator