Specific Learning Difficulties Network Launch

Wednesday 16 November 2022

​The Specific Learning Difficulties Network (SLDN) was officially launched this month during a two-day event at The Royal Society of Edinburgh.

The SLDN was established by Dr Silvia Paracchini (University of St Andrews) and Dr Michelle Luciano (University of Edinburgh) with the aim of better coordinating research efforts in the field of specific learning difficulties while involving the key stakeholders. The term Specific Learning Difficulties refers to impairments in acquiring skills in reading (referred to as Dyslexia), mathematics (referred to as Dyscalculia), and writing (referred to as Dysgraphia). These conditions are common and observed in up to 10% of children. They tend to co-occur with each other as well as with other neurodevelopmental conditions including Developmental Language Disorder (DLD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD). The resultant diversity in how these overlapping impairments manifest means that it can be challenging to assign diagnoses and implement effective intervention strategies.

The full news item can be read on the SLDN website.

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