Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

Friday 31 July 2015

The Royal Society has announced Professor Candace Currie as one of their new recipients of their Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Awards.


[symple_testimonial by=”Professor Currie” fade_in=”false”]”I am very honoured to have received the award which also gives recognition to the importance of the field of adolescent public health. The award provides a platform for a new programme of research I am planning with colleagues at St Andrews and international collaborators into the cultural, economic, social and biological factors that shape healthy adolescent transitions from childhood through puberty in different countries”[/symple_testimonial]


2584Prof Currie’s research focusses on social inequalities in adolescent health and in the impact of puberty on healthy adolescent transitions.


Professor Currie is Director of the Child and Adolescent Health Research Unit at the School of Medicine that she established in 2000; from 1995-2015 was International Coordinator of the 44 country Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children Study (HBSC). She is now co-Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for Child and Adolescent Health Policy in the School of Medicine.



see here for further details



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