Restart a Heart Day

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Tuesday the 16th of October was Restart a Heart Day where staff, students and members of the public were offered training on how to perform CPR and how to use defibrillators with our 15-minute Lunchtime Lifesaver sessions.

20 medical students were trained to carry out these sessions across 3 venues in St Andrews.  38 people were trained and it is hoped to do more of these sessions in the future in order to help to increase the survival rate of cardiac arrest casualties.  Currently the survival rate for out of hospital cardiac arrest in the UK is currently less than ten percent while other European countries have survival rates of greater than 50 percent

The organisation of this event was carried out by Henry Rae and Mike Fearon , both School of Medicine and Operation Heart Start and Gillian Duncan of the East Neuk First Responders.

Student Trainers were: Ryad Khatib, Georgina Bond, Cole McCulloch, Derek Farnham, Sarah Eshkour, Lauren Ferriday, Sharma Ganesananthan, Cory Stratton, Dzidze Kombo, Nilarne Jeyashiri, Mohsin Shafiq, Jakub Sikora, Jessica Offlands, Arianne Ross, Matt Watson, Oliver Roberts, Ka Louie, Michael Rimicans



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