Mini-AFTERc pilot trial
The Mini-AFTERc pilot trial led by Professor Gerry Humphris is to run in 4 units in Scotland to support breast cancer patients following treatment to reduce raised levels of recurrence fears. A structured telephone counselling intervention will be investigated in the next 2 years to assess the psychological benefits of patients receiving an assessment of their concerns about cancer recurrence and how these worries can be best managed. This work is being conducted in NHS services in the Highlands and the South-East of Scotland. Co-investigators include Dr Tom Kelsey (Computer science), statistical support from Dr Valentin Popov of CREEM (Mathematics) at the University of St Andrews; Dr Susanne Cruikshank (University of Stirling); Prof Debbie Fenlon (University of Swansea); Prof Jo Armes (University of Surrey) and representing the patient experience: Mrs Elspeth Banks of NCRI & Independent Cancer Patients’ Voice. Support from Health Improvement, Protection and Services Research Committee, Chief Scientist Office on behalf of Scottish Government Health Directorate.